Brief intermission here to share some crazy news about my life!! (p.s. my mother does NOT think I will make it to the end of the 30 day challenge because I have this tendency to start projects but not finish them. But this shall be different...thus sayeth the Andi!)
- I got a job! Like a for-real legit job, which I was entirely not expecting to get during my high-school years. I figured I would graduate, enroll in some community college classes while living at home, and do some hardcore nannying to pay for it...but God had other plans! :) He's recently laid it on my heart to delay college and go to Gospel for Asia's School of Discipleship in Dallas instead...a huge step, since I had never even considered Bible schools of any kind before last year, especially those that don't offer "college credit". I'm still awaiting reply after submitting my application (should take 4-6 weeks of suspense), and then I'll tell you more. Anyways, the tuition cost was super hefty (in my lowly working-class opinion anyhow haha) so I applied for a job at Shipley's Do-nuts, which was hiring an early morning shift (4am-10am. ouch). But I got the job! And today was my first day...and I can honestly say working the cash register and sorting donuts is fun, but it definitely diminishes my love for them. :)
- Courageous is a super super super awesome movie. GO SEE! If you've already seen it, go see it again! I was kind of skeptical that it would be all hyped up and might be kind of cheesy, but I was sure I would like it anyways just for the message--but guess what?!? It was totally un-cheesy. There was just a perfect mixture of suspense, humor, heartbreak, and a really powerful statement about the importance of Biblical fatherhood without getting too "preachy". Loved it!! :D

- We have Yes, Mom is allergic. Yes, I am allergic. Yes, I've always been a little disdainful of cats with their "you are my staff--now feed me!" mentality. Yet, here we have a cat living on our front porch who we feed, stroke, and named Cali. She is unofficially ours, ever since she showed up on our porch--we kept taking her back down the street where we thought she was from, but she kept returning to our porch. She's so endearing! Definitely improved my opinion of cats, Cali. Kudos to you, whether you end up being our cat forever or not. ;)
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