Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 14: A song that makes you cry

   Well, this one was certainly a no-brainer! Music tends to have a huge effect on my emotions--it makes me laugh, gives me goosebumps, makes me want to dance, or even better, fly, and makes me cry.

   Probably one memory I have of a song that not only made me cry the first time I heard it, but almost every instance after, is the song Held, by Natalie Grant. (I really despise the music video--kind of not what I was expecting, but oh well.)

   The first time I heard the song was back in 2009, the day after my grandma's puppy--whom I had invested a lot of my life into (I took her for walks, helped potty-train her, went on wild romps across the property with her, and even slept with her at night)--was hit by a car and died.
   I know the world is full of tragedy and something like a puppy's death seems super insignificant, but it wasn't to me.

   I was heartbroken, and when they finally broke the news to me I ran off, dizzy and sick, and then cried for the rest of the day--I wasn't sure I could even cry that much.

The only photo I can find of Molly is this one, with my little cousin
   It didn't seem fair! Molly was an adorable puppy--bouncy, exuberant, full-of-life, and she had the best sense of humor! I love all dogs, but I bonded so well with Molly I felt sure she was really mine.

   The next day, I was sitting at the table doing my school while most of the family was out (I still felt too numb and depressed to go anywhere) when I heard the song for the first time, playing in the other room.

     Instantly, I just started sobbing all over again--tears running down my cheeks, spilling on my math book, dripping to floor. She was such a sweet puppy and she never even got a chance at life! It wasn't fair!
   And then the part of the song played:

If hope if born of suffering
If this is only the beginning
Can we not wait, for one hour
Watching for our Savior...
   Suddenly, it was somewhat okay. Yes, I was still hurting, but I felt very peaceful. 

   Jesus knew.

   Since then, I've lost many more loved ones--both pets and people--and life certainly hasn't gotten any easier. But the song brings me comfort, knowing that no matter what I'm going through, Jesus is holding me the whole time. :)

   The song still makes me cry every time I hear it though, but the tears aren't so much of sadness, although they still can be at times, but of hope.

"Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hand..."--Isaiah 49:16

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