Well, this one was certainly a no-brainer! Music tends to have a huge effect on my emotions--it makes me laugh, gives me goosebumps, makes me want to dance, or even better, fly, and sometimes...it makes me cry.
Probably one memory I have of a song that not only made me cry the first time I heard it, but almost every instance after, is the song Held, by Natalie Grant. (I really despise the music video--kind of not what I was expecting, but oh well.)
The first time I heard the song was back in 2009, the day after my grandma's puppy--whom I had invested a lot of my life into (I took her for walks, helped potty-train her, went on wild romps across the property with her, and even slept with her at night)--was hit by a car and died.
I know the world is full of tragedy and something like a puppy's death seems super insignificant, but it wasn't to me.
I was heartbroken, and when they finally broke the news to me I ran off, dizzy and sick, and then cried for the rest of the day--I wasn't sure I could even cry that much.
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The only photo I can find of Molly is this one, with my little cousin |
It didn't seem fair! Molly was an adorable puppy--bouncy, exuberant, full-of-life, and she had the best sense of humor! I love all dogs, but I bonded so well with Molly I felt sure she was really mine.
The next day, I was sitting at the table doing my school while most of the family was out (I still felt too numb and depressed to go anywhere) when I heard the song for the first time, playing in the other room.
Instantly, I just started sobbing all over again--tears running down my cheeks, spilling on my math book, dripping to floor. She was such a sweet puppy and she never even got a chance at life! It wasn't fair!
And then the part of the song played:
If hope if born of suffering
If this is only the beginning
Can we not wait, for one hour
Watching for our Savior...
If this is only the beginning
Can we not wait, for one hour
Watching for our Savior...
Suddenly, it was somewhat okay. Yes, I was still hurting, but I felt very peaceful.
Jesus knew.
Since then, I've lost many more loved ones--both pets and people--and life certainly hasn't gotten any easier. But the song brings me comfort, knowing that no matter what I'm going through, Jesus is holding me the whole time. :)
The song still makes me cry every time I hear it though, but the tears aren't so much of sadness, although they still can be at times, but of hope.
"Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hand..."--Isaiah 49:16
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