True friends. Where would I be without my little circle of four hopelessly different personalities, bonded together through our shared love for running, the Monkees, and Jesus?!
I'm sitting on Danielle's sofa, at our annual Christmas party sleepover jammed next to Ernestina Lopez Maldonado, possibly my favorite tiny person on the planet (because every short person needs a tall best friend!) and watching Danielle and Christina dance like crazy on the tile...Danielle obviously winning any sort of contest there might be, since Christina is sweet..and somewhat terrible at freestyling....AND I'M THINKING IN MY HEAD (my this is a long run-on sentence..) how on earth did I get such three amazing girls in my life to call my best friends?!?
I remember when I first met them at the tender age fifteen (haha)...well, I was fifteen. Christina was fourteen, and Ernestina was sixteen, thus making only Danielle my age. I'd actually known Danielle in second grade (and Ernestina in fourth, from co-op. although she CLAIMS she doesn't remember me haha). Still, it was a fresh reunion and within a few months we were all very close. I couldn't have picked three more diverse girlies.
There's Danielle, the only blonde, but definitely the most calm, dependable, and together of us four. I wouldn't say she's our "leader", per se, since somehow that fell on my shoulders, but she's definitely good at mothering us, and we go to her with all our fashion problems (among other things). She's always been my "twin" as far as looks go (even though I think we look nothing alike!) People who don't bother to get to know us have always referred to us as one person--Danielle. (I don't exist?) We treat each other like sisters, which means occasionally our conflicting idiosyncrasies bug each other. Mostly though, we get along beautifully. (;
Christina is by far the most genuinely sweet and kind person I've ever met! She's loyal, listens well, and has basically been my voice of Calm and Sanity ever since I've met her.
"Well, see I just don't know about that Andrea," (in her patient voice, of course), "You might fall into the pen and then the animals will eat you and get indigestion and die. We wouldn't want the animals to get sick, would we?"
Needless to say, I would probably be dead--or at least maimed greatly--if it weren't for her. (; She's definitely my therapist, too, since she's ever sympathetic to my problems and always manages to point me back to Jesus. But of the three, I can only really trust Ernestina's opinion. Danielle is blunt and straightforward, Christina sugar-coats everything, but Ernestina generally gives me a tactful yet honest answer.
We have crazy nicknames for each other starting with our main four--Willow (E), Piper (me!), Poppy (D), and Myrtle (C). We also have separate ones for each pair...Christina is bacon, I am egg (she loves to begin sentences with, "So, the Egg and I..." as a reference to the restaurant), Ernestina is Diana, I am Anne (although she wants to be Anne, too, so occasionally we switch off), Danielle is Bob the Tomato, I am Larry the Cucumber (And if you know our personalities, this is extremely accurate!) ;) There's so many more...I wish I could write them all down, but most of them are inside jokes created at three in the morning that even I don't understand.
Whenever we get together, I bring my camera and then Ernestina and Christina take like 176,347,239 pictures of themselves together because apparently they "look good in photos together" whatever that means. (; So Danielle and I eat our pringles and get our swag on so we can take a couple of out own..because the moments I'm with them are precious and rare and soon our 'childhood' will be over and we'll part ways and...
There are some friends, though, that will never leave your heart. ♥
Sappy? Maybe just a little. But then again, they're worth getting sappy over. :)

Ernestina is the oldest, already an adult, and the smallest. I call her my pet midget, she calls me her horse, since I give her lots of piggyback rides whenever she beckons. She's petite, gorgeous, and amazing with talking to people. I get her to scope out rooms and tell me who I should talk to, and she does all the necessary introductions. Not surprisingly, I've met almost all of our mutual friends through her. :) And of the three, she and I are the closest when it comes to crazy, hilarious schemes. When we were younger, we got in trouble together ALL. THE. TIME. Now we liken ourselves to Anne and Diana from Anne of Green Gables (although we both argue over who gets to be Anne). Our phone conversations are never dull, and I can tell her everything...and I have. Being the two seniors in the group, I'm terribly sad about parting ways with her next fall. :(
Christina is by far the most genuinely sweet and kind person I've ever met! She's loyal, listens well, and has basically been my voice of Calm and Sanity ever since I've met her.
"Well, see I just don't know about that Andrea," (in her patient voice, of course), "You might fall into the pen and then the animals will eat you and get indigestion and die. We wouldn't want the animals to get sick, would we?"
Needless to say, I would probably be dead--or at least maimed greatly--if it weren't for her. (; She's definitely my therapist, too, since she's ever sympathetic to my problems and always manages to point me back to Jesus. But of the three, I can only really trust Ernestina's opinion. Danielle is blunt and straightforward, Christina sugar-coats everything, but Ernestina generally gives me a tactful yet honest answer.
We have crazy nicknames for each other starting with our main four--Willow (E), Piper (me!), Poppy (D), and Myrtle (C). We also have separate ones for each pair...Christina is bacon, I am egg (she loves to begin sentences with, "So, the Egg and I..." as a reference to the restaurant), Ernestina is Diana, I am Anne (although she wants to be Anne, too, so occasionally we switch off), Danielle is Bob the Tomato, I am Larry the Cucumber (And if you know our personalities, this is extremely accurate!) ;) There's so many more...I wish I could write them all down, but most of them are inside jokes created at three in the morning that even I don't understand.

There are some friends, though, that will never leave your heart. ♥
Sappy? Maybe just a little. But then again, they're worth getting sappy over. :)
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